We work with Individual private homeowners, Small building companies, Large construction companies, Main Contractors, Building suppliers, Engineers, Architects, Project Managers, Housing Associations, Schools, Councils and Local Authorities
Scroll down to see how we can help you.
Solutions for Technical Professionals
Our business is based around solving problems in both existing and new-build construction projects.
Our extensive experience of working with professionals to develop solutions means that we often have off-the-shelf solutions available but we enjoy working with Engineers, Architects and Project Managers to provide solutions for unusual situations and sites.
If you have any project that you think we may be able to help with, please feel free to make contact. If we can’t help then we’ll be honest and tell you but we will often know of others than can help so we’ll put you in touch.
CPD Seminar Presentations
We often present to firms of Architects, Engineers, Project Managers and other construction industry professionals.
Our presentation is aimed at describing the solutions that we can offer, rather than being a hard-sell of products.
We usually do a lunchtime presentation which lasts around an hour and provide certificates of attendance to individuals which show 1-hour of CPD.
As an overview, our presentation usually includes the following:
1. An introduction to our company,
2. QuadraPile Helical Piling,
3. QuadraFix Masonry Structural repair,
4. QuadraBuild Modular Construction,
5. QuadraBase Modular Floor system.
We can also tailor our presentation in terms of content and time, especially if you have specific interests in particular parts of our range.
If you would be interested in arranging a CPD seminar presentation, then please contact us by email or phone.
Solutions for Builders and Homeowners
We provide solutions for building companies ranging from small family businesses to some of the largest construction contractors in the UK.
In addition, we also work directly for private individuals undertaking a self-build or overseeing a project themselves.
We’re happy to work with Engineers already involved or we can provide design and engineering services relating to our products if required.